As per the Peterborough-Kawartha Conservative Association Constitution, the Executive of the Board of Directors was selected by the newly elected board in a meeting of the directors on Tuesday, November 3rd. Many thanks to our Regional Organizer, Bill Greenberg, for his taking the helm and counting the votes!
In addition to the selection of the Executive, Committee Chairs were chosen and the members of the Candidate Nomination Committee were also appointed. The Board is currently seeking members of the general membership to serve on the CNC.
President Cyndie Paul-Girdwood
Vice President Bill Steedman
Chief Financial Officer John Gillis
Secretary Jim Legon
Committee Chairs
Communications Chair Caroline Goodenough
Election Readiness Chair Carlos Lerma
Fundraising Chair Emily McCullough
Membership Chair Julie Chatten
Policy Chair Bill Steedman
Women in Politics Chair Catia Skinner
Youth Chair Chris Mills
Candidate Nomination Committee
Sally Carson
John Gillis
Caroline Goodenough
Cyndie Paul-Girdwood
Harmen Boersma
Ted Cooke